
Getting started

  1. Clone the repository from the develop branch

$ git clone -b develop
  1. Install pre-commit

  2. Inside the project’s root directory install all required githooks:

$ pre-commit install
  1. To start all required services for local development, run:

$ docker-compose up
  1. You’re all set up!

Fixing existing issues

  1. Pick one of the open issues or create a new one

  2. Create a new branch named issue-[number]-[short description] derived from the develop branch, for example

$ git checkout -b issue-42-project-removal-permissions develop
  1. Make sure your implementation fixes the actual problem and is well tested.

Implementing new features

When implementing new features, you should start by creating a new branch named feature-[short description] derived from the develop branch, for example

$ git checkout -b feature-new-user-profile develop

Commiting the changes

To run all tests and check whether all required pre-commit githooks are satisfied, run

$ pre-commit run --all-files

Your commit message should briefly summarize the changes (if possible) in plain English. To learn how to write a proper commit message, check out this article.

When ready, create a new pull request compared with the develop branch set as a base branch.